Fitness Coach, dancer and model, Natalia Kotowska has also added writer, radio host and presenter to her list of credits..
She has appeared on Polish TV screens and in the UK as a fitness expert on Sky TV's Chrissy B Show, giving viewers of all fitness levels, regular fitness tips to get into shape
Natalia currently hosts a radio show called FitLife on the UK Health Radio, with numerous listeners each week.
Reflection and Renewal
This weekend is more than just a date in the calendar or time off to me. It’s a time for reflection and renewal and regardless
28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 28
Your Day 28 Workout Today we’re working on strengthening and sculpting our core: 22 Reverse crunches 16 Bent knee jackknives 22 Bicycle crunches 16 Single
28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 27
Your Day 28 Workout Today’s workout is created to refine our gains and challenge our limits : 14 Up and down planks 20 Mountain climbers