28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 19

Your Day 15 Workout Today we’re working on enhancing endurance and stability: 12 Up and down planks 10 Second plank hold 16 Mountain climbers 12 Up and down planks 10 Second plank hold 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. Want to challenge yourself? Try holding the plank […]

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 18

Your Day 18 Workout Today we’re working all core muscles: 16 Plank jacks 20 Shoulder taps 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. Want to challenge yourself? Try adding an extra round of both exercises, but halve the reps for a challenge that packs a punch without overexerting […]

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 17

Your Day 17 Workout Today is about moving with intention and aligning your physical and mental wellness for the start of a new week: 28 Sitting twists 15 Toe touches 20 Reverse crunches 15 Toe touches 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. If you’re looking to push […]

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 16

Your Day 16 Workout Today we’re working on sculpting your core: 14 Bent knee jacknives 20 Bicycle crunches  14 Single leg touches 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. If you’re looking to push yourself you can add an extra 20 bicycle crunches in each set)  https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK_20240224_091208610.mp4https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK_20240224_091408779.mp4https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK_20240224_091525702.mp4

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 15

Your Day 15 Workout Today we’re working on strength and stability: 16 Mountain climbers 12 Second plank hold 16 Plank jacks 12 Second plank hold 16 Plank jacks 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. If you’re looking to push yourself you can hold your plank for an […]

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 14

Your Day 14 Workout Today we’re working all core muscles: 20 Shoulder taps 12 Up and down planks 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. You can do an additional 15 second plank hold if you can and want to challenge yourself) https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK-20shouldertaps.mp4https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK-12upanddownplanks.mp4

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 13

Your Day 13 Workout Today’s exercises work on strengthening your core, enhancing your flexibility, and ramping up your cardio: 26 Sitting twists 12 Toe touches 14 Mountain climbers 12 Toe touches 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. You can add an additional 26 sitting twists in each […]

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 12

Your Day 12 Workout Today we’re working all core muscles: 17 Reverse crunches 12 Bent knee jackknives 18 Bicycle crunches 12 Single leg touches 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. You can do an additional 5-10 reverse crunches if you can and want to challenge yourself) https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK_17reversecrunches.mp4https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK-12bentkneejacknives.mp4https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK-18bicyclecrunches.mp4https://nataliakotowska.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/NK-12singlelegtouches-1.mp4

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 11

Your Day 11 Workout Today we’re upping the reps on our core circuit: 10 Up and down planks 14 Mountain climbers 10 Up and down planks 14 Mountain climbers 12 Second plank hold 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. You can add an extra 10 seconds to […]

28 Day Abs Challenge- Day 10

Your Day 10 Workout Today we’re engaging all core muscles and activating the lower body and back: 14 Plank jacks 30 Second high knees 18 Shoulder taps 3 Sets | 30 seconds rest between sets (remember to work at your pace. You can add a 10-second plank hold in each set if you can and […]